Unit A/1 Council Drive Eaton, 6232 WA


Phone enquiries - please quote property ID 31637.

The Shire of Dardanup is seeking “Registrations of Interest” from experienced food and Café operators interested in leasing a small Café nook within the new Shire of Dardanup Library, Administration & Community Building in Eaton.

The Café will feature's an external ‘hole in the wall’ servery and internal counter servery, with a 31m² alfresco seating area facing onto the new town square and 71m² shared use area within the library. This 16m²offering is adjoining the bustling Eaton Fair shopping centre, adjacent to the Glen Huon sporting precinct, skate park and playground.

The operator will be required to deliver a high standard of pre-prepared food and beverages to library visitors, passing traffic and staff working within the Library, Administration and Community Building.

A copy of the Tenancy Agreement containing the Tenancy Terms and Conditions, and the Application Package is available from the Eaton Administration Centre, 1 Council Drive, Eaton,

NOTE: All images are artistic renders

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For Lease Registrations of Interest Invited


Inspection of this property is available strictly by arrangement only.
