127 Richter Road West Coolup WA 6214
For Sale Expression of Interest
'NORM'S' - 127 Richter Road, West Coolup
LAWD is pleased to present for sale ‘Norm’s’ Lot 46 & Lot 50 Richter Road West Coolup (the Property), a productive grazing property located in the Shire of Murray in Western Australia.
Key Investment Highlights
- Comprising 202.92* hectares (501.43* acres) on two contiguous titles, Lot 46 (59.89ha*) & Lot 50 (143ha*)
- The Property is currently utilised for backgrounding and hay production
- Water is secured by five earth dams, two windmills with storage tanks and a fully equipped bore with a solar pump and storage tank
- Fenced into 12* paddocks comprising a mix of steel and jarrah posts, ring lock, plain and barbwires with some electric
- Infrastructure includes a comfortable four-bedroom, one-bathroom dwelling, two x 144* square metre hay sheds, 180* square metre general purpose shed, 108* square metre general purpose shed
and 56* square metre brick garage, 16* solar panels with associated equipment and working stock yards with crush and ramp
- The Property boasts a fertile soil composition, primarily characterised by a mix of sandy loam and loam over clay, with an annual reseeding programme of clover/ryegrass mix
- Fertiliser history includes 150kg/ha* autumn and 100kg/ha* spring applications
- Mean annual rainfall of 680* millimetres (Pinjarra South Weather Station)
- Strategically located in proximity to Forrest Highway and regional centres including Coolup 13* kilometres, Pinjarra 20* kilometres, Waroona 27* kilometres, Harvey 55* kilometres, Bunbury 76*
kilometres and 96* kilometres to Perth
- Consideration will be given to selling titles individually or in one-line
- Shire rates $6,907.28* per annum 2024/2025
The Property represents an exceptional opportunity to acquire a highly productive operation located within the Peel agricultural region of Western Australia.
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Lorelle FryLAWD