409 Bellevue Road Tenterfield NSW 2372
For Sale $525,000
- Property Type Lifestyle
- Land area approx 17.74ha
- Region Northern Inland
- Locality Tenterfield
* Set in the stylish area of Bellevue Rd which has many new houses and rolling hill backdrops, all this is just 4kms of the beautiful township of Tenterfield.
* The property is quiet flat with a mild undulation and has the potential to be subdivided given its location, application lodged, plan attached, of 1.9 ha or just under 5 acre blocks x 2 and the balance of 13.94 ha or 19 acres.
* The additional blocks have a market price of around $275,000 per block ( x 2 ) once developed.
* Retain main block or sell for approximately $400,000 - 950k minus costs - see agent.
* The subdivision will give a substantial return for the astute investor.
* This area has many new houses and estate type small acreage properties, has great views and good access roads, great mountain and valley views.
* There is power and a dam on the block, good grass growth, would run around 20 head of cattle on the whole block.
* This area is predominately granite country and has good soil and around a 25 inch annual rainfall, and is 850 m above sea level giving a lovely cool climate, nice breezes in summer, it doesn't get better.
* This subdivision is now conditionally approved, needing the survey certificate to be lodged
* There is a possibility of modifying the DA to include 2 extra blocks.
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