505 Bangham Rd Custon SA 5269
Auction AUCTION 28th Feb 2025 1pm Frances Netball Club
Under Offer- Property Type Mixed Farming
- Land area approx 382ha
- Region Limestone Coast
- Locality Tatiara
505 Bangham Road Custon.
TDC Livestock and Property is proud to put to Auction 505 Bangham Road Custon a property with real possibilities.
505 Bangham Road Custon is situated 28kms south of Bordertown right on the border of SA and Vic. Bordertown is a grazing and cropping hub and is 270kms from Adelaide and 450kms from Melbourne. Bordertown is close to market centres in Naracoorte and Horsham as well as having the Bordertown Abattoir on its door step and Teys Naracoorte just down the road.
The property consists of 382 ha or 943.92 Acres or thereabouts of a mixture of sandy rises down to heavy clay flats. The property is fenced into 14 main paddocks which are watered via bore and dam and improvements include a basic set of yards, and a single stand shearing shed.
The property has had approx. 50ha of clay spreading done on the Southern portion of the property which supports a stand of lucerne growing in one paddock, and there has been a history of Cropping and grazing for many years, with the property leased since 1999. Property has received 100kg super every year over the Southern Paddocks, flats and Eastern paddocks. Overall, 505 Bangham Road Custon will give its purchaser a property with diversity and scale in a reliable area.
Auction 28th of Feb 2025 – 1pm Frances Netball Club rooms.
Contact Mark De Garis 0428 372 124 or Tom Pearce 0427 642 138
Property Code: 964
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Mark De GarisTDC Livestock and Property
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Tom PearceTDC Livestock and Property