69 Ercildoune Lane South Forbes NSW 2871
For Sale $6,500,000
- Property Type Cropping
- Land area approx 383.9ha
- Region Central West
- Locality Forbes
Production Powerhouse
LAWD is pleased to present for sale Ercildoune (the Property) a premier irrigated and dryland cropping opportunity comprising 383.90* hectares located in proximity to the town of Forbes in the highly regarded Lachlan Valley.
Ercildoune is a production powerhouse comprising 383.9* hectares of fertile soil types producing high-yielding winter and summer crops, including winter cereals, canola, corn and lucerne.
The first-class irrigation development comprises 244* hectares of laser levelled flood irrigation, which includes a river pump capable of delivering 25 – 30* megalitres per day.
Surface water entitlement includes 1,000* megalitres of Lachlan Regulated River General Security Water. Water recycling is enabled by two* independent lift pump sites.
The dominant soil types on Ercildoune consist of red-brown earths, siliceous sands and yellow podzolic soils. These soils are highly conducive to irrigation (overhead spray or flood) and dryland production of winter cereals and oilseeds. Underpinned by long term average rainfall of 528* millimetres.
All of the irrigation area was spread with 20* tonnes per hectare of compost prior to cropping in 2023. Lower areas of the dryland portion were also treated.
Topography is generally level across the landholding. All flood irrigation blocks have been laser-levelled to assist with water movement.
Over the previous five years Ercildoune has achieved the following crop yields; dryland wheat (grain) 4.6* tonnes per hectare, dryland wheat (silage) 8.0* tonnes per hectare, irrigated corn (silage) 21.0* tonnes per hectare and dryland canola (grain) 2.6* tonnes per hectare.
Fit-for-purpose infrastructure includes two cottages, two hay sheds, machinery shed including workshop and shearing shed complete with sheep yards. Stock and Domestic water is provided by bore and pumped to troughs and tanks.
Conveniently located to Forbes (16* linear kilometres), Eugowra (19* linear kilometres), Parkes (34* linear kilometres), Cowra (65* linear kilometres), Orange (88* linear kilometres) and Sydney (290* linear kilometres).
Ercildoune represents the ideal facility and location for winter fattening of weaner cattle, on dual purpose cereal crops.
For Sale by Private Treaty.
Inspections are strictly by appointment only.
For further information on this exciting opportunity please contact the agents listed below.
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Call Agent
Ian RobertsonLAWD
Call Agent
Fraser RobertsonLAWD