About Michael Keating International
"Expertise in every field we cover"
This has always been the creed of Michael Keating. We are farmers, ranchers, horse breeders, vignerons, orchardists, game ranchers, tourist resort owners, plantation owners and renewable energy property investors.
Bur first and foremost, we are business people who specialise in the sale of real estate. And that's where we can directly help you with your sale.
Because we can draw on expert first-hand knowledge of each property segment we operate in, we will speak your language. We know where the value lies in a property and we are unrivaled in the results we achieve. Our record is second to none.
Over the years we have been involved in the sale of iconic Australian properties, from islands to vineyard estates, and from Toorak and Portsea mansions to land holdings and cattle stations.
Most importantly, 97% of the properties we handle are for clients who have sold through us before or their recommendations to friends and family. This is how we have built our business. Results, relationships and reputation are everything. When choosing an agent to sell your property you can rely on our reputation.
It's built on our results and our results are achieved from our expertise.
Call us today on 0416 755523 or email to admin@michaelkeating.international
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