Andrew Gilmour
Rural Property International
About Andrew Gilmour
Andrew Gilmour is now the fourth generation of the Gilmour name to be involved in rural industry dating back to the late1800s. Andrew has been prominent in the rural real estate industry for in excess of 30 years. Over that time Andrew has had the pleasure of offering some of the cream of Australia's dairying and grazing enterprises. Andrew's specific wealth of knowledge in the marketing of rural properties is well known. Andrew has had the privilege of being a state real estate manager for two large pastoral houses, has successfully owned & run his own real state business and has travelled to New Zealand promoting properties in excess of 80 times. This includes attending the largest dairy field days in the southern hemisphere, Mystery Creek at Hamilton for 18 years as well as numerous regional shows & selected property promotions. Andrew has also attended other world field days and trade displays including the Scottish Highland Field Days in Edinburgh & also China promoting Australia pastoral properties. Andrew is a licensed estate agent in Victoria, NSW, & South Australia, also being an accomplished property & clearing sale auctioneer. Andrew has a huge data base of potential buyers , contacts and looks forward to being of assistance with the sale of your real estate asset.

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Andrew GilmourRural Property International