Colin Wallbank
About Colin Wallbank
I bring a calm, sensitive, non-confrontational style to every aspect of the selling process, irrespective of whether it be work, relationships or socially, I am the same person at work as I am at home. I’m told that I’m a great listener, with honesty and excellent communication skills, which helps me connect with people building strong relationships. I have the ability to remain POSITIVE no matter what the situation is and to see the job through to conclusion. My clients say it is very rare for someone who is able to live their life the same way they work, they say I am someone who cares for people, puts others first as I act and treat people the way I wish to be treated. I listen to YOUR needs, adapt to the situation, develop an understanding of the issue and then provide YOU with an intelligent, emphatic and structured solution.

Rural Properties
Colin Wallbank of LJ Hooker Pemberton/Manjimup in Pemberton has 1 rural property listed for sale on GoRegional.
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Colin WallbankLJ Hooker Pemberton/Manjimup