Laura Shooter
About Laura Shooter
I’m hardwired to see the good in every situation, so when I landed unexpectedly in the real estate industry, I’ve taken on the challenges of business and leadership with thoughtful optimism and quiet determination.
My analytical and curious nature allows me to synthesise complex problems and strategies into actionable steps, which fuels the steady development of systems that enable our team to thrive as demand for our services grows.
Whilst my unwavering diplomacy in difficult situations has been endearingly dubbed ‘unnerving calm’, my heart is easily moved by people’s plights, and I empathetically consider different perspectives in brokering fair outcomes.
I’m quick to notice when someone is under pressure; my go-to is a gift and offering practical help, and this time at the operational coal-face always gives me new ideas.
Like salt in a minestrone, you don’t always see me, but I help the rest of the flavours sing.

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Laura ShooterSJ Shooter Real Estate