'Beauford Park' 544 Thomas Lane Lake Cargelligo NSW 2672
Extremely Efficient Farming Country In Highly Regarded Naradhan District
Located 25km south of Lake Cargelligo and 15km north east of the village of Naradhan, part 'Beauford Park' is a beautiful , efficient farming property with deep red loam soils typical of those found in the Naradhan district.
With a predominately winter based 420mm average annual rainfall, the property is typical of the western wheat belt of NSW where fortunes have been made over the years due to the quality of the soils and the relative value of the farm land. All farmers know scale is king when it comes to growing grain.
With large and relatively open paddocks and 90% arability, Beauford Park would suit a family farming business looking to expand. There is currently no infrastructure on the property making it an ideal add on property for either locals or farmers further afield.
Currently all paddocks are sown to cereal crops.
The property is accessed by an all weather road.
Water is supplied by three dams.
Agents comments:
Properties in the Naradhan district are tightly held and rarely trade on the open market. The sale of 'Beauford Park' represents an opportunity for an astute purchaser to enter the localility or expand existing holdings with a view to building scale in what is widely regarded as one of the best grain growing regions in NSW. The purchaser will have the ability to access paddocks after harvest to prepare paddocks for the 2025 season.
'Beauford Park' is to be offered for sale via public auction at the Lake Cargelligo Golf Club at 11.00am on Friday 25th October 2024. To request a copy of either the IM or the sales contract contact the exclusive sales agents Angus McLaren or Bruce Holden.
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Call Agent
Angus McLarenMiller and James Real Estate
Call Agent
Bruce HoldenMiller and James Real Estate