Citrus Grove Lachlan Valley Way Hillston NSW 2675
- Property Type Cropping
- Land area approx 336.53ha
- Region Riverina
- Locality Carrathool
Grow Whatever You Want, Whenever You Want!
Miller & James Real Estate is pleased to present, 'Citrus Grove' & 'Robinvale', an extremely reliable irrigation holding on the western edge of Hillston, NSW.
Offered as a whole or separate parcels
Size- Citrus Grove Approx 708 acres (286.55 ha) & Robinvale 49.98ha (123.50 acres) adjoining properties
Citrus Grove
Location- Approx 3 km south west from the centre of Hillston on the Lachlan Valley Way, 110 km north west of Griffith.
Property Details- 286 ha of rich red loam soils with approx 200 ha developed for flood irrigation with a full tail water reticulation system. As well as 3 pens for feed-lotting.
The property has a bore with a capacity to deliver 15ML of water per day. The bore had a new stainless bore casing installed in 2017 and is operated by a 3 year old diesel Iveco motor. As well as the bore, Citrus Grove has a delivery channel allowing it to receive water from the Lachlan River.
The vendor is currently growing 40 ha with an additional 20ha about to be planted for the 20/21 season.
Infrastructure: - 24m x 18m x 6m steel machinery shed
- Bore with Iveco diesel engine
Asking price $1.15 million
Located 3 km south of Hillston on the kidman way.
Property details: Rich red loam soils which has approx. 30 ha developed to flood irrigation.
Infrastructure includes:
-Cummins diesel 150 hp motor, Amarillo angle drive and three stage pump installed approx. 13 years ago. Estimated capacity is 10 ML/day and a 300ML per year extraction limit.
-18m x 10 m shed with lock up section
Asking price: $360,000
For sale along with the property is 200ML of lower Lachlan ground water. The water can be purchased separately from the property.
Agents comments:
The sale of 'Citrus Grove' & 'Robinvale' represents the opportunity for someone looking for a highly efficient and reliable irrigation enterprise to purchase with confidence knowing historically, a full water allocation has always been available. 'Citrus Grove' has successfully grown cereals, fodder crops and row crops including cotton & corn. As well as the crops, the property has also been used for opportunity fattening of lambs. Located in the northern Riverina, 'Citrus Grove' & 'Robinvale' is close to cotton gins, grain receival sites, feedlots, chicken farms and sale yards making it an ideal base for an agricultural operation.
Sales Process:
For sale via private treaty with an asking price of $1.15 million for vacant land for Citrus Grove & Robinvale asking price of $360,000. In addition to the land the purchaser has the opportunity to purchase up to 200 ML of Lower Lachlan ground water.
To obtain a copy of the IM or to organise an inspection contact:
Oscar Freeman 0427 760 696
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Oscar FreemanMiller and James Real Estate