Callington Primary School
Primary Public
Echunga Primary School
Primary Public
Hahndorf Primary School
Primary Public
Littlehampton Primary School
Primary Public
Macclesfield Primary School
Primary Public
Meadows Primary School
Primary Public
Mount Barker High School
Secondary Public
Mount Barker Primary School
Primary Public
Mount Barker South Primary School
Primary Public
Nairne Primary School
Primary Public
Cornerstone College
Secondary Private
Mount Barker Waldorf School
Combined Private
St Francis de Sales College
Combined Private
St Mark's Lutheran School
Primary Private
St Michael's Lutheran School
Primary Private

Additional Information

Mount Barker Housing

  • Houses in Mount Barker

    The price of a house in Mount Barker ranges from around $800,000 to $3,350,000.

    A typical house in has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms & parking for 3 cars.

Mount Barker Census Information

  • Dwelling Type

    What types of residential properties are available in Mount Barker?

    94.7% Freestanding House 5.3% other
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Tenure Type

    Which residential properties in Mount Barker are owned, mortgaged or rented out?

    46.7% Mortgaged 29.2% Owned Outright 24.1% Rented
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Change in Residence

    Did people in Mount Barker change address in the last year?

    84.9% No change 10.6% Non-neighbour ing suburb 4.5% other
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Working Population

    What age groups are most strongly represented in Mount Barker?

    37.9% Age 35-54 30.3% Age 55-74 15.8% Age 25-34 16% other
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Top 5 Industries

    What industries do people in Mount Barker work in?

    • Health care and social assistance
    • Retail trade
    • Education and training
    • Construction
    • Public administration and safety
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Family Size

    How many people live in a household in Mount Barker?

    34.7% Two 22.2% One 17.2% Four 16.3% Three 7.1% Five 2.4% Six or more
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP

Mount Barker Schools

  • Government Schools
  • Independent Schools


  • Callington Primary School CALLINGTON SA 5254
  • Echunga Primary School ECHUNGA SA 5153
  • Hahndorf Primary School HAHNDORF SA 5245
  • Littlehampton Primary School LITTLEHAMPTON SA 5250
  • Macclesfield Primary School MACCLESFIELD SA 5153
  • Meadows Primary School MEADOWS SA 5201
  • Mount Barker Primary School MOUNT BARKER SA 5251
  • Mount Barker South Primary School MOUNT BARKER SA 5251
  • Nairne Primary School NAIRNE SA 5252


  • Mount Barker High School MOUNT BARKER SA 5251


  • Mount Barker Waldorf School MOUNT BARKER SA 5251
  • St Francis de Sales College MOUNT BARKER SA 5251


  • St Mark's Lutheran School MOUNT BARKER SA 5251
  • St Michael's Lutheran School HAHNDORF SA 5245


  • Cornerstone College MOUNT BARKER SA 5251

Properties in Mount Barker

  • For Sale
Hahndorf, SA27 Auricht Rd
For Sale
$3.55m - $3.65m
Mount Barker, SA7 Matilda Way
Residential Block
For Sale
Under Offer
Mount Barker, SALot 42 Robertson Parade
Residential Block
For Sale
Mount Barker, SA9 Alfred Court
Residential Block
For Sale
Hahndorf, SA27 Auricht Road
For Sale
$3.55m - $3.65m
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