391 Rock Valley Rd Lismore NSW 2480
This Rock Valley property consists of 340 acres and is within 10 minutes' drive to Lismore City and close to all the North Coast has to offer.
Improvements include a 3-bedroom timber home with polished floors, two bathrooms, a sauna, dining and lounge rooms, office, kitchen, laundry, garage & storage shed, dog pens, dairy and stockyards, two 4 & 6 bay machinery sheds, 4 covered stables and a 42m round horse arena.
The land is very well balanced and has plenty of areas to cultivate and graze cattle. The picturesque, Leycester Creek runs through the centre of the property, and this is where most of the cattle water and lay amongst the trees that line the creek. Other watering points include an equipped bore which feeds to a header tank that gravity feeds to some stock water troughs and there are a few dams located over the property.
There are approx. 8 grazing paddocks, and the cattle are processed in the old dairy building where there are steel yards and a fully hydraulic vet cattle crush with scales that can draft the cattle easily with very little effort.
This is one property that has heaps of potential and with further pasture development, could easily run 130+ cows and calves.
For an inspection, please contact Mike Smith 0413 300 680 or Lance Butt 0455 589 932
Property Code: 1409
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Mike SmithKyogle Real Estate
Call Agent
Lance ButtKyogle Real Estate