"Corella" 2075 Valentine Plains Road Valentine Plains QLD 4715
- Property Type Cropping
- Land area approx 1690ha
- Region Fitzroy and Central West
- Locality Banana
- Garages 2
Biloela Rural Enterprise
Grazing - Irrigation - Cropping Options
"Corella" Offered 'Walk in Walk Out' with a comprehensive list of machinery, equipment and cattle
20* kilometres east of Biloela with full bitumen road access.
Real Property Description
Total freehold area 1,690* hectares - 4,176* acres in 4 titles.
Corella is located downstream from the Kroombit Dam and enjoys double frontage to the Kroombit Creek. The country is a mixture of softwood and brigalow scrub, bluegum alluvial creeks flats and silverleaf ironbark, bloodwood, currajong interspersed with bottletree.
Land development:
The property is fully developed to improved pastures of buffel, panic, creeping bluegrass and legumes throughout the property. Approximately 400 hectares (1,000* acres) has previously been cultivated and contoured where required, this country is suited to the development of leucaena.
Centrally located and serviced by lanes the large set of steel yards include CIA Stockmaster squeeze vet crush with scales, calf race and cradle, plunge dip and cooler yards.
Sheds and grain complex
Heavy duty HBeam frame sheds on the property, below the homestead is the open front workshop and machinery shed. Adjacent to the grain silos is a fully enclosed shed with concrete bunker for cotton seed storage, truck and machinery storage and lock up storage. A new HBeam shed frame for a replacement hay shed is located in the irrigation property.
Located on Lot 1 is an irrigation bore with a new John Deere engine, approximately 70 acres serviced by underground mains.
Stock and domestic water
3 equipped bores are interconnected and supply elevated tanks that gravity feed to troughs. Open dams.
Centrepiece is the large modern family home which is set on an elevated position with views across to Mount Kroombit. The brick veneer split level home features four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The wrap around verandahs are the perfect place to relax and enjoy the views across the property.
Carrying capacity
Over the 50 years the owners have run a variety of grazing operations from a straight fattening operation purchasing steers and taking them through to bullocks; breeders with all progeny fatten and more recent years all breeders and supplying the lucrative weaner market. As with all properties the season dictates the number of cattle carried, most years that number is 600 to 700 breeders or in excess of 1,000 mixed age dry cattle.
Comprehensive information memorandum available.
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Mark SimpsonRay White Biloela