"Horton Valley" Aggregation Upper Horton NSW 2347
"Horton Valley", Aggregation
Expression of Interest closes on the 15th of April at North West Real Estate office at 3pm!!
Properties: Mount Royal, Horton Park, Pikes End, Robina, Part Robina
Area: Approx. 10400ac (4208.8 ha)
Location: 77 kms from Moree, 100 kms from Narrabri, 55 kms from Warialda, 32 kms from Bingara and all via Coroda Road.
Title: Freehold
Rainfall: 700mm (28 inches)
Country: Majority of the property is productive, undulating country running down onto River flats. The aggregation has dual River frontage 5km one side and 2km on the other side. Soil types are Black, Red basalts and Chocolate loamy river soils. Approx. 284 ac of irrigation.
Cropping: 2000 ha (5000ac) of country that could be cultivation. There is 1600ac of well-established tropical grasses including Bambatsi, Digit, Rhodes, Creeping blue, Gatton Panic and 100ac Buffel.
269meg licence from the Horton river.
2 x 200meg Dams that are used for overland flow as well as the River Water.
17 paddocks at 10-12 ac fenced for irrigation and rotational grazing.
10 hydrants can water a further 100 ac.
The area is watered by 4 Bauer travelling irrigators with 500m hose at 4ý".
In 24 hours the irrigators can water 1 paddock each (10-12ac)
Fencing: Majority of the fencing is ringlock and steel posts. All the fencing has been put up to run dorpers. The properties are fenced into 110 paddocks for rotational grazing. The Aggregation was running 6500 Dorper ewes and 600 steers.
Water: Dual river frontage 5km one side and 2km on the other side, 4 equipped bores, 1 not equipped and a well.
Approx. 84 troughs, 4 larger dams being 30meg, 25meg, 120meg and 300meg and 100 stock dams scattered over the properties.
Water is definitely a feature on this aggregation.
ââ¬Â¢ Robina - main bore (electric generator) pumps to 100,000L tanks towards rear of property (63mm high pressure poly) - this then gravity feeds into 4 x 25,000L tanks - water is then reticulated to approx. 55 concrete troughs. Plus there is one unequipped bore and an approx. 500gals/hour well not utilised.
ââ¬Â¢ Part Robina - water pumped from river into two 200meg dams. Water is then pumped from dams into 100,000L holding tank - which services approx. 5 troughs.
ââ¬Â¢ Mount Royal - 2 solar pumps (on bores) pump into 2 x 2,500L tanks and services 14 troughs as required.
ââ¬Â¢ Pikers End - 1 solar pump (bore) pumping into 2 x 2,500L tanks which service 10 troughs.
ââ¬Â¢ House 1: 3 beds, A/C, good condition, grid power and a double garage
ââ¬Â¢ House 2: 3 beds and an office, A/C, grid power and double garage
ââ¬Â¢ Dongers: 4 rooms accommodation plus kitchen, laundry and bathroom facilities
ââ¬Â¢ 5 machinery sheds: 20 x 14m, 20 x 9m, 30 x 8m, 14 x 8m, 24 x 12m (new)
ââ¬Â¢ 1 set steel sheep yards
ââ¬Â¢ 1 set steel cattle yards (new)
ââ¬Â¢ 3 flat bottom silos, 1 x 100T, 2 x 80T
Part Robina:
ââ¬Â¢ 1 set steel sheep yards (new)
ââ¬Â¢ 1 small cattle yards
ââ¬Â¢ Cottage
Pikers End:
ââ¬Â¢ House 3: 4 beds, recently renovated, solar power
ââ¬Â¢ 2 sheds: 12 x 8m / 12 x 8m
Mount Royal:
ââ¬Â¢ House 4: newer house (5 years old), A/C, 4 beds plus office, solar power
ââ¬Â¢ House 5: 4 beds plus office, A/C, solar power
ââ¬Â¢ 2 sheds: 18m x 38m, 20m x 12m, both with 6" concrete flooring
ââ¬Â¢ 1 set of steel sheep yards
ââ¬Â¢ 5 x 50T self-emptying silos
Horton Park:
ââ¬Â¢ House: that needs renovations
ââ¬Â¢ Shed: 16m x 8m
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Allan GobbertNorth West Real Estate & Livestock