Part "Nundah" Eden Forest Road, Gravesend NSW 2401 Gravesend NSW 2401
For Sale $1,200,000
- Property Type Mixed Farming
- Land area approx 284.40ha
- Region Northern Inland
- Locality Gwydir
Part "Nundah", Gravesend 2401
- 284.40 Hectares (702.77 Acres)
- Located on the northern side of Eden Forest Road.
- 12 kilometres north of Gravesend,
- 60 kilometres east of Moree and
- 29 kilometres west of Warialda.
The soils vary across the property from red and brown to chocolate and some lighter red and brown soils. The country in the north west corner is more of a grey/black better quality self-mulching country. Part of the property has been previously cultivated and farmed but has now been let go back to natural pasture. This area is circa 120 hectares.
Parts of this country is contour banked with older style banks.
- The water supply at present is via a pump and pipe from the
river. This reticulates to a 22,000 litre poly tank and an adjoining
steel tank and three concrete troughs.
- 2x earth dams
- Spring Creek with semi-permanent springs
- The property is subdivided into three main paddocks with the
fencing a mixture of four barb and netting fencing.
The owners estimate the property will run 60 cows and
calves. More cattle could be run if the cultivation was utilised.
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