Cascade Primary School
Primary Public
Castletown Primary School
Primary Public
Condingup Primary School
Primary Public
Esperance Education Support Centre
Special Public
Esperance Primary School
Primary Public
Esperance Senior High School
Secondary Public
Nulsen Primary School
Primary Public
Salmon Gums Primary School
Primary Public
Scaddan Primary School
Primary Public
Esperance Anglican Community School
Secondary Private
Esperance Christian School
Primary Private
Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School
Primary Private
Wongutha Christian Aboriginal Parent-Directed School
Secondary Private

Additional Information

Esperance Census Information

  • Dwelling Type

    What types of residential properties are available in Esperance?

    89.3% Freestanding House 8.1% Semi-Detached 2.5% other
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Tenure Type

    Which residential properties in Esperance are owned, mortgaged or rented out?

    35.1% Owned Outright 33.4% Rented 31.5% Mortgaged
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Change in Residence

    Did people in Esperance change address in the last year?

    84.6% No change 15.4% other
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Working Population

    What age groups are most strongly represented in Esperance?

    37.3% Age 35-54 30.6% Age 55-74 15.9% Age 25-34 16.2% other
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Top 5 Industries

    What industries do people in Esperance work in?

    • Agriculture forestry and fishing
    • Retail trade
    • Transport postal and warehousing
    • Education and training
    • Health care and social assistance
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Family Size

    How many people live in a household in Esperance?

    35.9% Two 26.4% One 14% Four 14% Three 6.6% Five 3.2% Six or more
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP

Esperance Schools

  • Government Schools
  • Independent Schools


  • Cascade Primary School CASCADE WA 6450
  • Castletown Primary School ESPERANCE WA 6450
  • Condingup Primary School CONDINGUP WA 6450
  • Esperance Primary School ESPERANCE WA 6450
  • Nulsen Primary School ESPERANCE WA 6450
  • Salmon Gums Primary School SALMON GUMS WA 6445
  • Scaddan Primary School SCADDAN WA 6447


  • Esperance Senior High School ESPERANCE WA 6450


  • Esperance Education Support Centre ESPERANCE WA 6450


  • Esperance Christian School ESPERANCE WA 6450
  • Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School ESPERANCE WA 6450


  • Esperance Anglican Community School ESPERANCE WA 6450
  • Wongutha Christian Aboriginal Parent-Directed School GIBSON WA 6448

Properties in Esperance

  • For Sale
Esperance, WA 
For Sale
$280,000 + Stock
Esperance, WA 
For Sale
$320,000 + Stock
Esperance, WA 
For Sale
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