Hinchinbrook, QLD
Additional Information
Hinchinbrook Housing
Houses in Hinchinbrook
The price of a house in Hinchinbrook ranges from around $132,000 to $900,000.
A typical house in has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom & parking for 3 cars.
Hinchinbrook Census Information
Dwelling Type
What types of residential properties are available in Hinchinbrook?
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP -
Tenure Type
Which residential properties in Hinchinbrook are owned, mortgaged or rented out?
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP -
Change in Residence
Did people in Hinchinbrook change address in the last year?
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP -
Working Population
What age groups are most strongly represented in Hinchinbrook?
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP -
Top 5 Industries
What industries do people in Hinchinbrook work in?
- Agriculture forestry and fishing
- Manufacturing
- Health care and social assistance
- Retail trade
- Education and training
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP -
Family Size
How many people live in a household in Hinchinbrook?
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
Hinchinbrook Schools
- Government Schools
- Independent Schools
- Abergowrie State School ABERGOWRIE QLD 4850
- Forrest Beach State School FORREST BEACH QLD 4850
- Halifax State School HALIFAX QLD 4850
- Ingham State School INGHAM QLD 4850
- Macknade State School MACKNADE QLD 4850
- Mount Fox State School MOUNT FOX QLD 4850
- Toobanna State School TOOBANNA QLD 4850
- Trebonne State School TREBONNE QLD 4850
- Victoria Plantation State School VICTORIA PLANTATION QLD 4850
- Ingham State High School INGHAM QLD 4850
- Hinchinbrook Christian School INGHAM QLD 4850
- Hinchinbrook Christian School INGHAM QLD 4850
- Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School INGHAM QLD 4850
- St Peter's Catholic School HALIFAX QLD 4850
- Gilroy Santa Maria College INGHAM QLD 4850
- St Teresa's College ABERGOWRIE QLD 4850
Properties in Hinchinbrook
- For Sale
- For Rent
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