Oak Valley Aboriginal School
Combined Public

Additional Information

Maralinga Tjarutja Census Information

  • Dwelling Type

    What types of residential properties are available in Maralinga Tjarutja?

    100% Freestanding House
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Tenure Type

    Which residential properties in Maralinga Tjarutja are owned, mortgaged or rented out?

    100% Rented
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Change in Residence

    Did people in Maralinga Tjarutja change address in the last year?

    68.4% No change 31.6% Non-neighbour ing suburb
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Working Population

    What age groups are most strongly represented in Maralinga Tjarutja?

    46.3% Age 35-54 29.3% Age 55-74 14.6% Age 15-24 9.8% other
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Top 5 Industries

    What industries do people in Maralinga Tjarutja work in?

    • Public administration and safety
    • Inadequately described Not stated
    • Rental hiring and real estate services
    • Other services
    • Arts and recreation services
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Family Size

    How many people live in a household in Maralinga Tjarutja?

    55.6% Five 44.4% Two
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP

Maralinga Tjarutja Schools

  • Government Schools


  • Oak Valley Aboriginal School OAK VALLEY SA 5690