Gladstone, QLD
Additional Information
Gladstone Housing
Houses in Gladstone
The price of a house in Gladstone ranges from around $205,000 to $650,000.
A typical house in has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms & parking for 2 cars.
Apartments in Gladstone
The price of a apartment in Gladstone ranges from around $177,000 to $799,000.
A typical apartment in has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms & parking for 1 car.
Gladstone Census Information
Dwelling Type
What types of residential properties are available in Gladstone?
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP -
Tenure Type
Which residential properties in Gladstone are owned, mortgaged or rented out?
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP -
Change in Residence
Did people in Gladstone change address in the last year?
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP -
Working Population
What age groups are most strongly represented in Gladstone?
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP -
Top 5 Industries
What industries do people in Gladstone work in?
- Manufacturing
- Construction
- Retail trade
- Transport postal and warehousing
- Education and training
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP -
Family Size
How many people live in a household in Gladstone?
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
Gladstone Schools
- Government Schools
- Independent Schools
- Miriam Vale State School MIRIAM VALE QLD 4677
- Mount Larcom State School MOUNT LARCOM QLD 4695
- Rosedale State School ROSEDALE QLD 4674
- Agnes Water State School AGNES WATER QLD 4677
- Ambrose State School AMBROSE QLD 4695
- Benaraby State School BENARABY QLD 4680
- Bororen State School BOROREN QLD 4678
- Boyne Island State School BOYNE ISLAND QLD 4680
- Builyan State School BOYNE VALLEY QLD 4680
- Calliope State School CALLIOPE QLD 4680
- Clinton State School CLINTON QLD 4680
- Gladstone Central State School GLADSTONE CENTRAL QLD 4680
- Gladstone South State School SOUTH GLADSTONE QLD 4680
- Gladstone West State School WEST GLADSTONE QLD 4680
- Kin Kora State School KIN KORA QLD 4680
- Lowmead State School LOWMEAD QLD 4676
- Nagoorin State School BOYNE VALLEY QLD 4680
- Tannum Sands State School TANNUM SANDS QLD 4680
- Ubobo State School BOYNE VALLEY QLD 4680
- Wartburg State School BAFFLE CREEK QLD 4674
- Yarwun State School YARWUN QLD 4694
- Gladstone State High School WEST GLADSTONE QLD 4680
- New state secondary school Calliope CALLIOPE QLD 4680
- Tannum Sands State High School TANNUM SANDS QLD 4680
- Toolooa State High School SOUTH GLADSTONE QLD 4680
- Rosella Park School WEST GLADSTONE QLD 4680
- Discovery Christian College AGNES WATER QLD 4677
- Faith Baptist Christian School BURUA QLD 4680
- Trinity College GLADSTONE QLD 4680
- Goora Gan Steiner School AGNES WATER QLD 4677
- Goora Gan Steiner School AGNES WATER QLD 4677
- St Francis Catholic Primary School TANNUM SANDS QLD 4680
- St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School GLADSTONE QLD 4680
- Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School GLADSTONE QLD 4680
- Chanel College GLADSTONE QLD 4680
- Carinity Education - Rockhampton GLEN EDEN QLD 4680
Properties in Gladstone
- For Sale
- For Rent