Additional Information

Leeton Housing

  • Houses in Leeton

    The price of a house in Leeton ranges from around $166,000 to $1,500,000.

    A typical house in has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom & parking for 2 cars.

Leeton Census Information

  • Dwelling Type

    What types of residential properties are available in Leeton?

    88.3% Freestanding House 5.6% Apartment 5.1% Semi-Detached <1% other
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Tenure Type

    Which residential properties in Leeton are owned, mortgaged or rented out?

    37.3% Owned Outright 32.3% Mortgaged 30.4% Rented
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Change in Residence

    Did people in Leeton change address in the last year?

    86.3% No change 13.7% other
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Working Population

    What age groups are most strongly represented in Leeton?

    34.2% Age 35-54 31.4% Age 55-74 15.1% Age 25-34 12% Age 75+ 7.4% other
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Top 5 Industries

    What industries do people in Leeton work in?

    • Manufacturing
    • Agriculture forestry and fishing
    • Education and training
    • Retail trade
    • Health care and social assistance
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
  • Family Size

    How many people live in a household in Leeton?

    34.9% Two 28.3% One 13.8% Three 12.8% Four 6.9% Five 3.3% Six or more
    Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP

Leeton Schools

  • Government Schools
  • Independent Schools


  • Leeton Public School LEETON NSW 2705
  • Parkview Public School LEETON NSW 2705
  • Wamoon Public School LEETON NSW 2705
  • Whitton-Murrami Public School WHITTON NSW 2705
  • Yanco Public School YANCO NSW 2703


  • Leeton High School LEETON NSW 2705
  • Yanco Agricultural High School YANCO NSW 2703


  • Gralee School LEETON NSW 2705


  • OneSchool Global, Leeton campus LEETON NSW 2705


  • St Joseph's Primary School LEETON NSW 2705


  • St Francis De Sales Regional College LEETON NSW 2705

Properties in Leeton

  • For Sale
Cudgel, NSW243 Mackellar Road
For Sale
Leeton, NSW15 Cedar Street
For Sale
Stanbridge, NSWFarm 2002 Carver Road
Other (Rural)
For Sale
$625,000 - $675,000
Leeton, NSW3A Melaleuca Avenue
For Sale
Leeton, NSW4 Banksia Avenue
For Sale
Leeton, NSW28 Wilga Street
For Sale
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