Aaron Landgren
Fitzsimmons Real Estate
About Aaron Landgren
Aaron moved to Dalby in August 1996 after marrying Teresa Landgren (Lane) here in Dalby in March 1996 and resided at his in-laws' property located in the Kuppun Region before buying his own property in Dalby. Aaron and his wife settled well into Dalby with Teresa rejoining her family and friends & raising two girls in Dalby.
Aaron had a successful career in Retail before entering into Real Estate in 2002 with Raine & Horne. He then joined Fitzsimmons Real Estate in 2004 and has been very dedicated to his position within the team selling small acreage, residential homes and semi rural/residential land. Aaron prides himself with local knowledge of the market conditions, high level of service and enthusiasm for getting things done for his clients.
Aaron has now joined the rural division in 2016, is very enthusiastic and can't wait to sell your properties.

47 Condamine Street
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Aaron LandgrenFitzsimmons Real Estate