Glenelg, VIC
Additional Information
Glenelg Housing
Houses in Glenelg
The price of a house in Glenelg ranges from around $266,000 to $1,125,000.
A typical house in has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms & parking for 2 cars.
Glenelg Census Information
Dwelling Type
What types of residential properties are available in Glenelg?
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP -
Tenure Type
Which residential properties in Glenelg are owned, mortgaged or rented out?
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP -
Change in Residence
Did people in Glenelg change address in the last year?
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP -
Working Population
What age groups are most strongly represented in Glenelg?
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP -
Top 5 Industries
What industries do people in Glenelg work in?
- Agriculture forestry and fishing
- Health care and social assistance
- Manufacturing
- Retail trade
- Education and training
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP -
Family Size
How many people live in a household in Glenelg?
Source: ABS 2016 Census GCP
Glenelg Schools
- Government Schools
- Independent Schools
- Bolwarra Primary School BOLWARRA VIC 3305
- Bundarra Primary School PORTLAND VIC 3305
- Casterton Primary School CASTERTON VIC 3311
- Dartmoor Primary School DARTMOOR VIC 3304
- Heywood Consolidated School HEYWOOD VIC 3304
- Merino Consolidated School MERINO VIC 3310
- Narrawong District Primary School NARRAWONG VIC 3285
- Portland North Primary School PORTLAND NORTH VIC 3305
- Portland Primary School PORTLAND VIC 3305
- Portland South Primary School PORTLAND VIC 3305
- Casterton Secondary College CASTERTON VIC 3311
- Heywood District Secondary College HEYWOOD VIC 3304
- Portland Secondary College PORTLAND VIC 3305
- Portland Secondary College-Victoria Parade Campus PORTLAND VIC 3305
- Portland Bay School PORTLAND VIC 3305
- All Saints Parish School PORTLAND VIC 3305
- Sacred Heart School CASTERTON VIC 3311
- St John's Lutheran School PORTLAND VIC 3305
- Bayview College PORTLAND VIC 3305
Properties in Glenelg
- For Sale
- For Rent
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